Just click to access any of these websites.
BAILII - British and Irish Legal Information Institute
Access to Freely Available British and Irish Public Legal Information
Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations
With this resource, you can look up the meanings of abbreviations used in legal publications in English. It covers materials from the UK, Commonwealth countries, and the United States, including those related to international and comparative law
The text of the Irish Constitution published on the eISB.
Covers EU by topic, regulations, decision making, applications of EU Law, EU legislation, EU Case Law, European Policy Making and the Lisbon Treaty.
Hansard House of Commons and House of Lords
The official report of all UK parliamentary debates
House of Commons Hansard Archives
Irish Legal Information Institute (IRLII)
IRLII features a catalog of bills in the Dail along with their respective statuses. Its goal is to enhance, rather than vie with, BAILII.
Guide to Irish Law; Irish Legislation; Irish Cases; Legal Subjects; E-Mail Lists / Groups
This resource is created by the Office of the Attorney General and provides full text of the Acts of the Oireachtas, Statutory Instruments and Chronological Tables of the Statutes back to 1922. Also includes the Legislation Directory.
The Commission's primary function is to continuously assess and study the legal system with the aim of improving it. According to the 1975 Act, this encompasses enhancing the law, simplifying and modernizing its structure through codification, and revising and consolidating statutory regulations.
Office of the Attorney General
The most recent Statutory Instruments are published on this page prior to being published on the main electronic Irish Statute Book (eISB) site.
Government website which provides information on the DAIL, the Seanad, House Committees, TD's and Senators, Oireachtas business and Irish Parliamentary Debates and events.