Screening Results
Screening is a two-part process in which you determine whether each individual article meets your inclusion criteria, and therefore should be included in your review. To reduce bias, you should have a minimum of two reviewers to screen (yourself and someone else from your team)
Results can be exported from databases often in RIS format directly into Reference Management and Systematic Review tools.
Screen Initially by: Title/Abstract of Article then using full text.
Screen using: Inclusion/Exclusion criteria,
Articles should be screened by two or more researchers, independently and in duplicate
Managing disagreements, can use: Consensus, Third reviewer, Compare reasons for exclusion.
See 'Reporting' tab on this Guide under 'Overview and Structure'.
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How To Insert Zotero Citations Into Microsoft Word How To Insert Zotero Citations Into Microsoft Word
Mendeley is a reference manager software founded in 2007 by PhD students and acquired by Elsevier in 2013
Please note: The newer Mendeley download is called Mendeley Reference Manager; if you download this on a college laptop then download the word plugin through Microsoft Store from this link . To complete the install for the word plugin you will need to login to Office 365, just follow the prompts, and use your college signon.
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Mendeley Reference Manager Libguide: American University of Beirut This guide helps you step by step use Mendeley to manage your sources/references easily.
EndNote is another reference management software package, used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays, reports and articles.