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TUS Athlone Campus Harvard: Journal Articles

Harvard Referencing guidelines

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

What is a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)?

digital object identifier (DOI) is a character string (a "digital identifier") used for identifying content objects in the digital environment, such as an electronic document.

DOI names are used to provide current information, including where they (or information about them) can be found on the Internet. Information about a digital object may change over time, including where to find it, but its DOI name will not change.

To find a document using a DOI

  1. Copy the DOI of the document you want to open and paste into search box at

More information

Referencing Journal Articles

  • Take care when citing that you indicate which is the title of the article and which is the title of the journal.
  • If the Journal is an online journal then the Harvard references  must include the access date and accession details

 Template for Harvard reference of an Article

Journal Article    

(Author, Date)


Page numbers need

not be included in

In text citation for Articles 



  • Author (Surname, Initial.)
  • Year of publication (in round brackets)
  • Title of article (minimal capitalization & not in italics)  
  • Title of Journal (in Italics with maximum capitalization)   
  • Journal Volume
  • (Journal Issue), 
  • Page range pp. 6 – 56.
  • Available at:
  • [Date Accessed]

Citing Journal Articles: Examples

Material Type In-Text Example Reference List Example
Journal Article (Print version) (Geach, 2011) Geach, J. E. (2011) The lost galaxies. Scientific America,  304 (5), pp. 30-37.

Journal Article; From a database. (Electronic version) 

According to  Berger and Boritz... (2012) or

...(Berger and Boritz, 2012)

Berger, L and Boritz, J.E. (2012) Accounting students' sensitivity to attributes of information integrity. Issues in Accounting Education, 27 (4), pp. 867-893. Available at: Business Source Premier [Accessed 24 September 2014].

Note: Do not use the url in the address bar for database articles as these may not be permanent; use the DOI number or Permalink if available or if necessary the Database name.

Journal article accessed via the Internet (Example of reference for same article this time optained from the internet)

According to Keating and Olivares (2007) or

...(Keating and Olivares, 2007)

Berger, L and Boritz, J.E. (2012) Accounting students' sensitivity to attributes of information integrity. Issues in Accounting Education, 27 (4), pp. 867-893. Available at: [Accessed 12 July 2014].



Journal Article; From a database. (Electronic version): Example 2.

In an article by   Friese et al. (2012) it is stated that… or

(Friese et al., 2012)

Friese, M., Messner, C. and Schaffner, Y. (2012) Mindfulness meditation counteracts self-control depletion. Consciousness and Cognition, 21 (2), pp. 1016-1022. Available at: doi 0.1016/j.concog.2012.01.008 [Accessed 4 July 2013].

Note: DOI = Digital Object Identifier. If a DOI number is available for the
journal article it can be included in the reference in the 'Available at:' field. 

See across for more information on DOI's

Journal Article: In press, online first, early view etc.

As stated by Nayak and Waterson ...(2016)

Note: If quoting in text use the PDF assigned numbers so the first page of the article would be page one (whereas in the published version it may well be page 56!) and so on

Nayak, R. and Waterson, P. (2016) The assessment of food safety culture: an investigation of current challenges, barriers and future opportunities within the food industry. Food Control, EPub ahead of print . Available at: [Accessed 15 December 2016].

Note: It is important to include an adequate url reference, as the article has not yet been assigned a precise volume and issue number:


If the journal is a supplement, include the word ‘Supplement’.
Supplement example:

Fletcher, J. (2010) Making use of clinical evidence to provide quality patient care. British Journal of Nursing. 16 (Supplement), pp. 3-17.