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Publication Strategy: Publication Ethics

Ethical Research & Publishing Practice

Ethical research and publishing practice is fundamental in upholding academic and research integrity. Several types of ethical issues and problems can arise throughout the publishing process including:

  • Plagiarism and self-plagiarism
  • Definition and attribution of authorship
  • Failure to acquire ethics approval or participant consent
  • Data falsification or manipulation of results 
  • Failure to disclose conflicts of interest
  • Breaches of copyright
  • Duplicate submissions of manuscripts

Ethics and Authorship

Publication Ethics in AIT

AIT has a number of authorship and research integrity policies with which you should familiarise yourself. Clicking on the links below will download  a PDF version of the policy for you to read:

AIT Research Ethics Committee Guidance Notes
AIT Research Postgraduate Academic Regulations
AIT Research Governance

Ethics and Peer Review

Peer reviewers also have ethical obligations and responsibilities in helping to uphold research integrity. The links below provide guidance and advice for reviewers, authors and others involved in the publishing process: