The Pivotal Trick.
Find an expert in the topic/subject and use some of their published material as pivotal points.
For example, within the topic of Sports Tourism Heather Gibson is a well known expert. Her research interests include sport tourism (specialising in sport events and active sport tourism), leisure and tourism behavior in mid and later life, women as tourists, including her recent project on Girl Friend Travel, and perceived risk in travel. She has published over 60 academic journal articles and has 20 years of academic research presentations. She has edited two books: Sport Tourism: Concepts and Theories, a collection of original essays on this type of tourism and co-edited Leisure and Aging: Theory and Practice.
Take an article by Heather Gibson (it does not have to be totally current just as long as it is relevant),
Gibson, H., Kaplanidou, K., & Kang, SJ., (2012). Small-Scale Event Sport Tourism: A Case Study in Sustainable Tourism. Sport Management Review, 15, 160-170.
and search Google Scholar. See cited by to view more current material which cites/references the pivotal article.