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Harvard referencing guide

Referencing Interviews

Citing Personal communications and Interviews: Examples


Material Type

In-Text Example

Reference List Example

General Interview template

Interviewee(s) Last name (Year)

(Interviewee(s) Last Name Year)

Last name, Initial of person interviewed (Year) Title of the Interview (if any). Interview by/ with Interviewers First name Last Name, Title of publication (in Italics). [Medium /format in which the interview appeared] Name of channel if applicable, Date and time of transmission if applicable, Publication details. if applicable
Television interview

Noonan (2012) claimed in an interview


In an interview on RTE (Noonan, 2012)

Noonan, M. (2012) Interviewed by Eileen Dunne, Six One News. [television broadcast] RTE One, 22 March.
Newspaper interview Noonan (2012) stated that... Noonan, M. (2012) Moving towards financial growth. Interview by Michael Smith. The Irish Times. [Newspaper] 5 July, p. 24.
Internet interview Noonan stated that he plan to extend the deadline for Ireland to repay its bailout loans would reduce the amount Ireland would need to borrow (2013) Noonan M. (2013) Interview by David Murphy for RTE News, 29 May 2013 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 July 2014].
Personal communication note

Personal communications can include things such as letters, memos, e mails, interviews, informal conversations, telephone calls and lecture presentations.Unlike other in-text references, initials are included.

Elements to include

Name of interviewee (including initials); Full details of the date (day, month and year), and type of communication

NOTE: Personal communications are not included in the list of references at the end.

Personal communication


(Ayrs, R. N. 2011, personal communication, 2 March)


On 2 March 2011, in a personal interview Ms R. N. Ayers confirmed ....


In an email on 23rd July 2014 J. Brown stated that