This page of the Nursing libguide is to provide access for students to the :
NMBI Guidelines, EU Directives, Nurses Act, 2018 Rules and Statutory Instruments
The Department of Health have links to the guidelines on their website covering areas such as INEWS, IMEWS, MRSA, PEWS, EMEWS, and Clinical Handover and more.
S.I No. 501/2020 - Nurses and Midwives (Education & Training) (Amendment) Rules 2020
Policy Paper Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy
Final Report: Short Term Review of Clinical Placement Allowances for Student Nurses and Midwives
Post-change data collection report for the Safe Nurse Staffing and Skill Mix Framework - Phase 2
Sláintecare Implementation Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2023
The Nursing Home Resident Safety Improvement Scheme (RSI Scheme)
National Framework for Medicines Management in Disability Services
Health Service Executive Primary Care Services Key Performance Indicator Metadata 2020
Shaping the future of Intellectual Disability in Ireland
HSE National Policies, Procedures, Protocols, Guidelines and Clinical Guidelines: Central Repository
Quality nursing and midwifery care