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Cyber Psychology: Cyber stalking OER

Resources available to module participants

OER (Open Educational Resources)

Open Educational Resources or OERs are freely accessible resources such as textbooks, lecture slides or videos. This benefits teachers and students alike as it means that the resources are accessible anywhere, to anyone, for free. They reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions (UNESCO, 2019). Take a look at some of these resources below, in relation to Cyberstalking.

Additional resources

24th Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference Papers Abstracts (CYPSY24, 2019)

In colloboration with Interactive Media Institute, CYPSY24 invites presentations across a wide variety of topics including but certainly not limited to: Social Networking, Online Behavior, Cyberstalking, Forensic Cyberpsychology (Cybersecurity / Cybercrime), Augmented and Virtual Reality, Ethics related to Automation and Machine Learning, Avatars, e-Health, SMART applications, IoT, and other emerging applications.

What Is Cyberstalking and How To Prevent It

What is Cyberstalking? And can it be prevented? Cyberstalking is defined as “the use of the internet, or other electronic means, to harass and intimidate a selected victim”. Cyberstalking behaviours include trolling, sending threatening messages and hacking emails. However, there are steps that you can put in place to prevent cyberstalking from happening to you. Watch this video to see our 4 steps to protect yourself from cyberstalking.