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Cyber Psychology: Internet/Gaming addiction OER

Resources available to module participants

OER (Open Educational Resources)

Open Educational Resources or OERs are freely accessible resources such as textbooks, lecture slides or videos. This benefits teachers and students alike as it means that the resources are accessible anywhere, to anyone, for free. They reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions (UNESCO, 2019). Take a look at some of these resources below, in relation to Internet/Gaming addiction.

Additional resources

Cyberbullying and Online Gaming

Playing videogames is a popular activity, with 70 percent of youth under the age of 18 playing videogames. Some games are solitary or single-player games; others are multi-player. Multi-player games – whether they are played on a computer, game console, handheld system, smartphone, or tablet – allow users to play with people they know in person and others they meet online. In fact, 65% of video game players of all ages say they play with others. There are many types of videogames: role-playing games, action games, shooter games, sport games, and fighting games. There are also educational games like sandbox/build/construct games, puzzle games, and others. 


What to do when online gaming gets mean

Online gaming is fun, competitive, and exciting. But when it gets negative, it’s best not to retaliate and let things escalate. Take a break or join another game while things cool down.

Online article

The Psychology of Gaming addiction

An OERCommons article about gaming addiction


Online Suicide games: A Form of Digital Self-harm or a Myth?

An OERCommons article about the challenge of online games and it's connection to suicide