Psychometrics is a field of study within psychology concerned with the theory and technique of measurement. Psychometrics generally refers to specialized fields within psychology and education devoted to testing, measurement, assessment, and related activities.
The word “psychometric” literally means “mind measurement” and to be strictly accurate psychometric assessments are a type of psychological test primarily concerned with abilities and aptitudes.
Psychological testing resources on the web
To use a test you will need to: Contact the current copyright holder for permission to use the test!
Finding information about Psychological tests (APA)
Testing and Assessment (APA)
About Psychological testing (BPS)
PsyToolkit (Includes a library of questionnaires).
PSYCH-TEL is a community to share questionnaires, research datasets, and teaching material for educational purposes.
ETS Tests collection: The Test Collection at ETS is a database of more than 25,000 tests and other measurement devices
Links to Other Testing-Related Sites (APA)
Personality tests
HEXACO Personality Inventory-Revised
International Personality Item Pool
Social-Personality Psychology Questionnaire Instrument Compendium (QIC)
Attachment style: "Experiences in Close Relationships" - questionnaire diagnoses your attachment style
Big Five Personality Test: This test measures what many psychologists consider to be the five fundamental dimensions of personality
Emotional Intelligence Quiz: Turknett Leadership Group: Asks about how you relate to others and your organization, then gives you feedback about your virtues or how you might have to adjust your behavior in leadership situations
Typology Central Jung Personality Test: This personality test combines the Jungian Cognitive Functions and Personal Dichotomies. After completing the test you will be provided with the four-letter type for your personality.
DSRM 5 TR Online Assessment Measures
Psychological Assessment Tools For Mental Health (UK)
Psychological tools (USA)
Autism Research Centre (Cambridge)
Information on searching Psychology by Test or Measures in PsycINFO:
Tips: To search by a test or measure, enter your keywords, use the 'select a field' option, and choose 'Tests and Measures
Some articles include the full details of a test or measure used. To find these articles use the keyword 'Appended' as your search term when searching by 'Test and Measure'
CINAHL allows you to search for tests (or ‘research instruments’) in several ways.
To find a research instrument itself:
Search by Publication Type, and type Research Instrument into the search box. You can then undertake a search on your topic, using Subject Terms or keyword searches, and combine the two results sets with AND.
Alternatively, undertake your Subject Term/keyword search, and then refine the results using the Source Type refine option ( Click on ‘Show More’ to display the ‘Research Instruments’ tick box).
To find work that uses a specific research instrument:
Search using the Instrumentation Field. Enter the specific name of the research instrument into the search box and select ‘Instrumentation’ from the drop-down list. Click Search.
To find material about research instruments:
Untick the “Suggest Subject Terms” box, enter the specific name of the research instrument, and click search.
Other Databases
Many tests and questionnaires can be found in books, journal articles and databases. It may be possible for you to use them or adapt them, with the permission of the author.
One way to try and find these resources is to combine a topic search with descriptors: Examples of descriptors include "Test-Construction", "Measurement", "Questionnaires", "Personality-Measures", etc.
So you might search for "Empathy" AND "Personality-Measures" etc.
Adding the word append* will help you find articles that have an appended test