Referencing or citin |
There are two components to referencing: in-text citations in your paper and the reference list at the end of your paper.
The in-text citation:
Harvard is an 'author/date' style, so your in-text citation consists of author(s), year of publication and page. If your in text citation is a general one, to ideas that run through a complete work, then the in text citation would simply use author and date as below
In-text citation of a book
When you quote directly from an author or citing a specific idea or piece of information from a specific page or pages then you need to include the page number of the quote in your in-text citation.
Click for detailed guideline for In-text referencing
The reference list/bibliography:
All in-text citations should be listed in the reference list at the end of your document.
Reference list entry for a book
Reference list entry for a Journal
Reference list/Bibliography entries contain all the information that someone needs to follow up your source. Reference lists/Bibliographies in Harvard are arranged alphabetically by author.
Tutorials are available for individuals or groups in Harvard referencing
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