Material Type | Examples: In Text Citation reference | Example: Full Reference |
Image, figure, illustration, photo or table (Reproduced in your assignment) |
Template: (Author date) Diagrams etc. are usually accompanied by a brief description and are listed throughout a piece of work by figure number. When referring to diagrams, graphs, tables, illustrations, photographs, etc. in the text, you should use Figure number (and Source if relevant). Note: Images adapted from other works - reproduced in your text A table of data or graph which is taken from another work should be acknowledged as a reference like any extract from a published source. In the context of a graph, it is labelled a figure, e.g. Figure 1. The source citation or InText Caption is placed after the title of the graph with the author’s, the year of publication and page number (if a book) Example Figure 1: Questions the Literature Review can Answer (Source: The Learning Centre, 2007, p.66) Note: If possible, and definitely if your work is going to be published, you should obtain written permission from the creator of the illustration to reuse their work |
The Learning Centre (2007) Questions the literature review can answer. [Diagram] A guide to writing a literature review. Dublin: Arrow publishing, p. 66., illus. |
Material type | Example: In-text reference | Example: Full reference |
Reference to an image in a Book (not reproduced) | As shown in a photograph, Fig 2. (University of Limerick 2003, p. 10 )... | University of Limerick (1999) Postgraduate student at work in the telecommunications laboratory. [Photograph] University of Limerick: a celebration. Limerick: University of Limerick, p.105., illus. |
Material type | In-text | Full reference template |
Image – on the web (Not reproduced but mentioned) |
(Author, date) |
Material type | Examples: In-text reference | Examples: Full reference |
Examples: Image on the Web (mentioned not reproduced) |
(Coca Cola 2007)... Note: If there is no responsible person or body given then use the image title and date for in-text citation see internet example below.. (Where to study for finals, 2012) |
Coca Cola (2007) New Coke logo. [Image] Available at: [Accessed 16 August 2007]. Note: If there is no author: use image title as author
Where to study for finals (2012) [photograph] Available at: [Accessed 16 December 2013]. |
Material type | Example: In-text reference | Example: Full reference |
In an Online journal |
As shown in a diagram labelled, 'Storyboard for Ivan's mornng routine' (Buggey 2007) |
Template Author Example Note: When referencing images that come from articles, Check the article content for additional source information, such as a photographer or illustrator. |