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Referencing E Books

E Books

Material type In-text reference Full reference

General E book Template

Author surname, Initials. and author surname two, initial. (Year of publication) Title (italics and minimum capitalization). Edition (if not first). City of publishing: Publisher. Available at: url [Accessed: date].

Note: Where the e-book is available in PDF format it can be referenced as a printed book. 

Note: E-books often lack page numbers (though PDF will have them). If page numbers are not available on eBooks readers, use the chapters or section headers instead for indicating the location of a quoted section.

Include the book’s DOI (digital object identifier) or where you downloaded the e-book from (if there is no DOI)

E Book as PDF 

(West, 2016)

West, M. (2016) The psychology of meditation: research and practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press

E Book on College Journal Database  Van Hulsteyn states..... (2013 p.28) Van Hulsteyn, P. (2013) Yoga and Parkinson's disease: a journey to health and healing. New York: demosHealth. Available at [Accessed 9 February 2022].
E Book on College Journal Database: example 2  (Chakrabarti, 2007, sec. 13.1.1) ...

Chakrabarti, S. (2007) Handbook of offshore engineering. Available at Science Direct Database [Accessed 30 September 2012].

If a digital object identifier (DOI) is available include that also

Chakrabarti, S. (2007) Handbook of offshore engineering. Available at: Science Direct Database, DOI 10.1016/B978-008044381-2.50000-X [Accessed 30 September 2012].

Kindle Book Example

(Adams, 1979, 22% )

Note if no page number is available use Loc, % or section as appropriate

Author(s) surname(s), Initial(s). (Year of publication). Title of ebook: subtitle if any [E-Reader name]. Edition followed by ed. (if
not the first edition) Place of publication (if any): Publisher.

Adams, D. (1979) The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. [Kindle], London: Penguin. 

Audio Book  ( Hawkins, 2002) 

Author(s) surname(s), Initial(s). (Year of publication). Title of ebook: subtitle if any [AudioBook]. Edition followed by ed. (if
not the first edition) Place of publication (if any): Publisher.

Hawkins, David R. (2020). The map of consciousness explained. [Audiobook], New York: Hayhouse