Publish article Open Access in a journal, sometimes for a fee, known as an "article processing charge" or "APC". This journal may be exclusively Open Access, or it may have a mixture of Open Access and subscription-only articles. These are referred to as HYBRID journals.
The publisher makes the article freely available upon publication.
The cost of publication is usually covered by a one-off fee, an article processing charge / APC, paid by the author. The average cost of an APC is approx. €2,000 per paper (ex. VAT at 23%).
APCs vary from journal to journal, covering the entire cost of the publication process e.g. peer-reviewing, editing, publishing, maintaining and archiving, and allows immediate access to the full text versions of the research articles.
APCs for open access is often an eligible cost in a grant application. The Budget for Publications = Average APC x number of expected publications
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
An online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
Quality Open Access Market (QOAM)
The QOAM is based on academic crowd sourcing and allows authors to see whether a particular journal is held in high regard and what the relevant publication costs are.
When raising a purchase order in Agresso for Article Processing Charges (APCs) or charges associated with Open Access publishing, please use the Nominal Code 3304. By tracking spending on open access publishing we aim to prevent double-charging by publishers. This happens when authors pay Article Processing Charges (APCs) / Open Access Publishing Charges alongside their libraries’ subscriptions to the same journals.
Knowledge of the Institute spending on open access publishing will help us negotiate better deals for both publishing charges and subscription, while also allowing reporting on institute spending in the support of the Open Access movement. The new Nominal Code will help remove any confusion over how to log these charges in Agresso.
TUS is currently signed into Transformative Agreement/Read and Publish Deal's, with Science Direct (Elsevier Database) and a number of IReL resources, that enable our authors to publish Gold Open Access without payments. For more information, please see here and/or contact Maeve Hynes, Scholarly Communications Librarian.