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International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education
International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) is an online, open-access, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal offering scholarly articles on various issues of young children with special needs (0-8 age) and their families. The INT-JECSE publishes empirical research, literature reviews, theoretical articles, and book reviews in all aspects of Early Intervention (EI)/Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE). Studies from diverse methodologies, including experimental studies using group or single-subject designs, descriptive studies using observational or survey methodologies, case studies, and qualitative studies, are welcome. High technical quality in the design, implementation, and description, as well as importance to the field is required to be reviewed and published in the INT-JECSE.
The AHEAD Journal
This electronic journal is not a newsletter nor is it an academic journal. It is a space for you working out there on the ground to share innovations, your examples of good practices that deserve to be showcased. Most importantly it is a celebration of what has been done and is done by the champions of disability and inclusion in FET/higher education and employment, be they disability support officers, teachers, professional staff or employers.
Aliss quarterly publication.(Free access to previous years)
Every quarter we publish short topical articles on new social science developments, digital libraries and teaching and learning issues . Recent special issues include new ways of communicating with researchers and open access repositories.
American Journal of Public Health
The American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) is dedicated to the publication of original work in research, research methods, and program evaluation in the field of public health. The mission of the journal is to advance public health research, policy, practice, and education.
Critical Disability Discourses
York University’s Critical Disability Studies Graduate Program is happy to welcome you to our annual graduate student journal, Critical Disability Discourses/Discours critiques dans le champ du handicap (CDD-DCCH). CDD is a bilingual, interdisciplinary journal, publishing articles that focus on experiences of disability from a critical perspective.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Devoted exclusively to the scientific study of intellectual disability. Topics include clinical case reports, pathological reports, biochemical investigation, genetics and cytogenetics.