This 5-step guide will provide you with all the information you need to review our collections and our latest book and eBook purchases in your subject area.
1. Review our Latest Collections
2. Check what Open Educational Resources we have identified in your area
3. Book in a Reading List Review.
4. Request a Title/Resource
5. Preparing a Book List: Library support on best practice
Preparing Reading List Workshops: Register here to attend one of our 3 online workshops running on Thursday 8th June 11am, Tuesday 13th June 1.30pm and finally Thursday 15th of June 11am.
The first of these short video tutorials will show you how to link students to e-resources such a e-books and online journal articles that you find using our Discover searching tool using persistent links. Persistent links can also be referred to as permalinks or stable URLs, and these are durable links that will not expire or disappear after a certain length of time.
The second video tutorial will show you how to use a persistent link to access an e-book in Ebook Central. It's important to note that the Library provides access to many titles in Ebook Central via subscription. If a title is part of a subscription, it may be removed and access discontinued.
All off campus access to TUS Midlands Library online resources (ejournals, ebooks and databases) is available to AIT Students and Staff via the library website
To access our resources you will need your TUS username and password (the same username and password you use to access Moodle).
Access Journal Titles through the library website, click on the link 'Journal Title Search'
AIT research repository can be accessed here:
Access the library's print collection and eBooks through the library catalogue here; to search for eBooks only, go to advanced search and choose eBooks to narrow it down:
Alternatively, you can search through the various Ebook databases at
You can consult our Open Access Textbooks libguide, it is specially curated to reflect the disciplines taught in AIT: