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Toxicology: Books


Ecotoxicology book cover

Find evidence in printed books and ebooks

Library New Print Books list.

Below are some the print books for toxicology - just click on them to check their availability and a list of topics they contain



Ebooks - access information on the go and no fines!

Get access to the full text versions of a number of health-related books - e-book central contains 77,000 online books on all disciplines

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Use Clinical Key to search books on Anatomy Physiology & Nursing


If you need a book, article or thesis that we do not have access to, use the Inter-Library Loans service. 

Log in to My Library Record Tab on the main Library web-page. Click on Inter-Library Loan Requests, Click 'Create Request and then the copyright declaration. Select 'Request type' and fill out the form and click on 'Create' to send