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SciVal: Benchmarking Module

Introduction to Benchmarking

In SciVal, you can conduct peer benchmarking analysis at the institutional, school, cluster or research group level or by comparing different sets of publications. Benchmarking analysis in SciVal can provide insights into the:

  • Publication patterns and journal placement of peer groups (overview and analysis of the journals which AIT researchers are publishing in compared to peers).
  • Collaborative networks of peer groups (overview and analysis of the geographical spread of co-authorship and top collaborating countries and institutions)
  • Publication and citation performance of peer groups (overview and analysis of a range of indicators including, among others, the no of published outputs, % of outputs published in top journals, % of most cited papers and the no of outputs which have been cited by patents) 

Types of Benchmarking

Institutions are automatically populated in SciVal and can be found by searching within the ‘Add Institutions and Groups’ tab.  

Institutions and Groups

While you can assess the performance of a single institution within the Overview module, detailed analysis can be conducted in the Benchmarking module where it is possible to add a number of institutions and employ a selection of different metrics on the ‘x’ and ‘y’ axis. More granular analysis at institutional level can also be conducted by refining as per subject area. 


SciVal default for subject classification codes is the All Science Journal Classification (ASJC). In the ASJC subject codes, there are 27 main subject areas and 307 minor subject area.  Note that when refining by subject area, any metrics relevant to a specific subject category do not reflect the organisation structure. The subject classification can be changed by clicking on the classification code and selecting your requirement from the drop down menu as shown below. Times Higher Education codes (THE) are mapped to the ASJC, but are closer aligned to the ISCED codes than any other options available.

Subject Classification Codes 

Faculties, departments, research groups and clusters are not automatically populated in SciVal and need to be created by adding individual researchers to SciVal and bringing them together into one organisational group.

The same would apply to peer institutions, they need to be manually created in SciVal by adding individual researchers and combining them into one group. For more information on how to do this, see page 7 in the SciVal Quick Reference Guide

These groupings can be assessed on an individual basis in the Overview module, or compared with a range of research groups in the Benchmarking module using a selection of different metrics on the ‘x’ and ‘y’ axis.

Publication sets are a distinct collection (or subset) of research outputs which have been published by an individual or research group (e.g. outputs related to a particular research project). Publication sets can be uploaded to SciVal if they have a Scopus ID, PubMed ID or DOI (Digital Object Identifier) - for more information on how to upload publication sets, see page 7 in the SciVal Quick Reference Guide. Again publication sets can be assessed on an individual basis in the Overview module, or compared with a range of research groups in the Benchmarking module using a selection of different metrics on the ‘x’ and ‘y’ axis.