It is very rare that you may be referencing the entire web site. Normally you will be referencing something found online e.g. PDF, youtube, powerpoint, ebook, ejournal and the list goes on...
Retrieval Date - Include a retrieval date only with material that is expected to change over time (such as wikis). If in doubt add the retrieval date.
Note: It is rare enough to be using a website only. Normally you will be mentioning a particular document/page in your text or citing a particular piece of information from a website that you need to include a reference list entry and an in-text citation.
A website is not a specific document. However if you are quoting from individual pages within a website then create unique references for each one.
Format: Author(s) Surnames/Last Names, Initials or Organisation Name. (Last update or copyright date; if not known, use n.d.). Title of specific document. Retrieved from URL of specific document
Intext Citation When citing an entire website, it is sufficient to just give the address of the site in the text: |
.. the Rose of Tralee festival website ( is a good example of this… Reference List Do not put anything in the Reference list. |
Page from a website is the most common website reference.
Personal or Corporate Author. (Last update or copyright date; if not known, put n.d.). Title of specific web page or article. Retrieved from URL of specific web page
Where available, use a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to identify the web page. If not available use URL.
If referring to a particular page within a large website, give the precise URL for that page rather than home or menu pages.
If there are no page numbers, use paragraph number (use the abbreviation "para" e.g. para.16) or cite the chapter or heading and the number of the paragraph.
Use (n.d.) in the date position for sources with no apparent date.
In text citation: | Reference list: |
(AIT Library, 2016) | AIT Library (2016, August 9) Finding Journal Articles. Business & Management Libguide. Retrieved from
Intext Citation | Reference list |
“About 1 in 4 people will experience some mental health problems in their lifetime.” (Department of Health and Children [DOHC], 2010). | Department of Health and Children [DOHC] (2010). Mental Health Services (including Suicide Prevention). Retrieved July 25, 2010, from |
Format: Author(s) Surnames/Last Names, Initials or Organisation Name. (Last update or copyright date; if not known, use n.d.). Title of specific document. Retrieved from URL of specific document
Intext Citation | Reference list |
... infant mortality rate was significantly higher amongst working class families (“The World of the Child,” n.d.). |
The World of The Child. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2010, from Ask about Ireland website: |
In-Text Citation:
("Title or partial title of specific document", Year, page or paragraph number if available)
"Osteoarthritis overview," 2015) (NOTE: For the in-text citation, use quotation marks around the title or partial title)
Reference List
Osteoarthritis overview. (2015.). Retrieved from