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TUS: Cite them right: Harvard Guide

Basic format for citing a Book

Author(s) family name, initial(s) Year of publication, Title, Publisher, Place of publication. 

For books with multiple authors, edited books, and chapters in books see Examples below.


Material Type  

In-text Citation  


See Cite Them Right; 12th Edn G1.1 p. 43

Book citation order:

(Author, Date)

Citation Order

Author (If editor; use abbreviation ed after name) 
Year of publication (in round brackets)
Title (in italics)
Edition (edition number if not the first edn.)
Place of publishing: Publisher
Series and volume number (in brackets) (where relevant)

Book: One Author



(Buckroyd, 1996, p.35) or ...According to Buckroyd (1996, p.35)

Buckroyd, J. (1996) Eating your heart out: understanding and overcoming eating disorders. 2nd edn. London: Vermilion.

NB: Minimal capitalization for Book titles: Only capitalize the first letter of the first title word and any names or place-names in title.

Book: with two or three authors

(Bretag, Crossman and Bordia, 2010, p. 407)

Bretag, T., Crossman, J. and Bordia, S. (2010) Communication skills. Sydney: McGraw-Hill.

Note:Cite authors in the order given in the source 

Book: Four authors or more (Doherty et al., 2020)

Doherty et al (2022) The psychology of being. NewYork: Penguin

Or, if your institution requires referencing of all named authors:

Doherty, J., Simons, R., Molley, A. and Maher, E. (2022) The psychology of being. NewYork: Penguin

Book:No Author


(Black’s Medical Dictionary, 1992) or It is stated in Black's Medical Dictionary (1992)

Note: Cite the title as the author 

Black’s Medical Dictionary (1992) 37th edn. London: A&C Black.

Book Series (Dooley, 2020)

Dooley, R. (2020). Academic writing in science. 3rd ed.
London: Elsevier (Elsevier academic writing skills, 2).