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TUS: Cite them right: Harvard Guide

Using Illustrations in your text


Text below is taken from, Cite Them Right by Pears and Shields 12th ed (2022, p. 25):

Cite Them Right is not  intended to replace any departmental regulations, nor can it provide guidance to cover the full range of academic subjects its readers are studying. If you are unsure about how you should present illustrations in your academic work, you should ask your tutor for guidance.

If no guidance is available from your tutor we suggest that you number each illustration in the order they are used in your work, and provide a caption that describes the illustration, beginning the caption with 'Figure', then the number, then the description.

If you have used an illustration from someone else's work, conclude the caption with, in round brackets, Source: and the details of where the illustration came from. Include full details in the reference list.

If possible, and definitely if your work is going to be published, you should obtain written permission from the creator of the illustration to reuse their work.


Possible Example: Figure 2: Questions the Literature Review can Answer (Source: The Learning Centre, 2007, p.66) 

Citing Illustrations, figures, diagrams or tables in Books or Articles

See Cite Them Right, 12th ed G 19.5 p .93


Image in a book


Image online






(The Learning Centre, 2007, p.25, Fig. 5)


As shown in a diagram labelled, 'Storyboard for Ivan's morning routine' (Buggey, 2007, Diagram. 9.1)




The Learning Centre (2007) Questions the literature review can answer. Dublin: Arrow Publishing, p. 25


Buggey. T. (2007) 'Storyboard for Ivan's morning routine', Journal of Positive Behaviour Interventions, 9(3) p.151. Available at: Academic Search Premier, (Accessed 18 December 2013).


Photographs and prints in books and online

Material type Examples: In-text reference Examples: Full reference

See Cite Them Right, 12th ed G 19.6 p .94


Photo in a book



Photo online





Seasonal changes were captured on film (Thomas, 2017)


Photos on the theme of dancing from Barnes and Barnes (1969)




Thomas, T. (2017) Redevelopment in Byker [Photograph]. Newcastle upon Tyne: Then & Now publishing



Barnes, R.H. and Barnes, R. (1969) Baha Kewa Payong Amun Toda dancing in Leu Tuan. Available at: (Accessed:  13 June 2021).