When you use a figure in your paper that has been adapted or copied directly from another source, you need to reference the original source. This reference appears as a caption underneath the figure that you copied or adapted for your paper.
Any image that is reproduced from another source also needs to come with copyright permission; it is not enough just to cite the source.
General Format 1 (Figure from a Book): Caption under Figure
Note: Descriptive phrase that serves as title and description. Reprinted [or adapted]
from Book Title (page number), by Author First Initial. Second Initial. Surname,
Year, Publisher. Copyright [Year] by the Name of Copyright Holder.
Reprinted [or adapted] with permission.
Example 1 (Figure from a Book): Caption under Figure
Note: Short-term memory test involving pictures. Reprinted from Short-term Memory
Loss (p. 73), by K. M. Pike, 2008, Mackerlin Press. Copyright 2008 by
the Association for Memory Research. Reprinted with permission.
General Format 2 (Figure from a Journal Article): Caption under Figure
Note: Descriptive phrase that serves as title and description. Reprinted [or adapted]
from “Title of Article,” by Author First Initial. Second Initial. Surname, Year, Journal Title,
Volume(issue), page number. Copyright [Year] by the Name of Copyright Holder.
Reprinted [or adapted] with permission.
Example 2 (Figure from a Journal Article) Caption under Figure
Note: Schematic drawings of a bird's eye view of the table (a) and the test phase of
the choice task (b). Numbers represent the dimensions in centimeters. Adapted from
"Visual Experience Enhances Infants' Use of Task-Relevant Information in an Action
Task," by S.-h. Wang and L. Kohne, 2007, Developmental Psychology, 43, p. 1515.
Copyright 2003 by the American Psychological Association.
General Format 3 (Figure from a Website): Caption under Figure
Note: Descriptive phrase that serves as title and description. Reprinted [or adapted]
from Title of Website, by Author First Initial. Second Initial. Surname, Year, URL. Copyright [year] by the Name of Copyright Holder. Reprinted [or adapted]
with permission.
Example 3 (Figure from a Website): Caption under Figure
Note: An example of the cobra yoga position. Reprinted from List of Yoga Postures,
In Wikipedia, n.d., Retrieved October 28, 2009, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki
/List_of_yoga_postures. Copyright 2007 by Joseph Renger. Reprinted with permission.
General Format:
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of image [Image]. Website name. URL
Lewis, A. (2020). Proof found [Image]. Borgen. https://brogen.com.au/images/title/0049
Reference Source: APA 7th Ed Manual Made Easy: Full concise Guide Simplified for Students). p70